About Me
Who is Rob Jemmett
I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, studied computer science in college and worked for an international reinsurance company for over 30 years where I was fortunate enough to travel around the world for business. Through this travel, I was given opportunities to not only see different parts of the world, I could meet people in those people and get a taste of different cultures around the globe. Meeting and talking to people is one of my favourite things.
I was physically active, biking, running, curling, playing hockey but my greatest passion was golf. However in 2011, these activities were brought to an abrupt halt when I injured my back playing hockey. The injury required some surgery, which was a complete success, however it put an end to most of my sporting actives. Thats when my wife, Sandra, bought me a DSLR camera which put me on a more creative path as a hobby.
When I first started taking pictures, I had the camera in "auto" mode and the camera took great quality pics. However, it wasn't until I took some photography courses I learned the technical aspects of the camera and eventually fundamentals of composition where I gained an understanding of the "artistic" side of taking a photograph and doing post-processing.
Checkout my blog where I share a picture, the compositional technique and camera settings for the image.

With a camera, a neutral density (ND) filter, and a tripod, you can create a long exposure and achieve results of a waterfall that are unlike what your eye would see in real life.
Taking a portrait of someone is a great responsibility. Not only do I want to take a great picture as a photographer, but I also want to make sure the subjects are seen in their best light.
Landscapes are one of my favourite shots. With or without a tripod; day or night; wide angle lens or telephoto lens.
People / Street Photos
Finding the right light and scene is a challenge for me as I learn this craft. Here are some of my favourite shots.